Mallorn #45
Nuova veste grafica ed una buona manciata di interessanti articoli per la rivista più importante della Tolkien Society. Molto interessante in particolare l'editoriale di apertura, firmato da nientedimeno che Tom Shippey, che meriterebbe di essere tradotto e proposto su questi schermi dato che si sofferma in modo acuto e puntuale - come sempre - sulla critica a Tolkien e su quanto alcuni argomenti siano inflazionati a sfavore di altri. Suona familiare?
In ogni caso, ecco l'indice:
- Guest Editorial by Tom Shippey: "An Encyclopedia of Ignorance";
- Letters to the Editor: "Please, No - Not the Comfy Chair", two responces to Gandalf as a torturer;
- Reviews: David Doughan on Tolkien Studies IV - "You get what you pay for"; Henry Gee on the Beowulf film - "Beowulf, the real story"; Laura Marples on The Lord of Rings musical - "The Wonderbra of Lothlòrien"; Pat Reynolds on Explore Fairy Traditions by Jeremy Harte and The Golden Compass film - "Journey into Faërie" and "Northern Venture"; Mike Foster on The Children of Hùrin - "A Morbid Malignant Masterpiece"; John Damon on The Keys to Middle-Earth by Lee and Solopova - "Medieval Manoeuvres"; Maggie Burns on Roots and Branches by Tom Shippey - "In the matter of roots".
- Commentary: David Doughan on Oxbridge women - "Women, Oxford and Tolkien"; Chad Chisholm on the Choices of Master Frodo - "Demons, Choices, and Grace in The Lord of the Rings"; Bob Blackham on Tolkien's Birmingham; Maggie Burns on John Ronald's schooldays; Christine Larsen on the changing faces of Varda - "(V)Arda Married - The Evolution of the Queen of the Stars".
- Fiction: White Annays by Lynn Forest-Hill; Mayan Wayfinding by Brenda Cooper; Beyond the Sea of No Return by Gareth Caradoc Owens.
- Well, I'm Back: Cecilia Dart-Thornton on Word Magic.
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